Continuum of Care & Education Framework
The lifelong learning journey of the child begins at birth and is supported by the parents as the primary educators of their children.
Childhood professionals, and providers, in partnership with parents, provide a continuum of care and education for the child. The period from birth to 6 years is the most important time for the child when the foundations for well-being, development and lifelong learning are laid. “Europe's future will be based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Improving the quality and effectiveness of education systems across the EU is essential to all three growth dimensions. In this context, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is the essential foundation for successful lifelong learning, social integration, personal development and later employability. Complementing the central role of the family, ECEC has a profound and long-lasting impact which measures taken at a later stage cannot achieve. Children's earliest experiences form the basis for all subsequent learning. If solid foundations are laid in the early years, later learning is more effective and is more likely to continue life-long, lessening the risk of early school leaving, increasing the equity of educational outcomes and reducing the costs for society in terms of lost talent and of public spending on social, health and even justice systems." |