Benefits of membership
- The ACP advocates on behalf of it's Practitioner, and Provider, members for the recognition and respect due to the ECEC and SAC workforces.
- There is strength in numbers. Individually we are ignored but together we can make a difference
- The ACP advocates for the rights of ECEC and SAC practitioners to equitable pay and work conditions.
- Have your voice heard. The ACP provides an independent voice to represent practitioners, and providers, in ECEC and SAC.
- The ACP respects the voice of all childhood professionals, and providers, and takes it's mandate from grassroots members of the association.
- Solidarity: Childhood professionals, and providers, stand together to increase the respect and recognition that is afforded to practitioners, and providers, ECEC and SAC.
Why we joined the ACP
"I joined because I love my profession but I won't ever be able to get a mortgage given my pay and conditions. I want to fight for increased investment so that my employer can afford to pay me what I deserve." Mary- Cork
"I have run a private sessional pre-school service for the past five years and have recently taken on a Manager's position in a large community run facility. I feel in my experience we are regarded by Irish society as "people who look after young children". We need to be recognised as a professional sector who educate young children. We need to be unified as individuals and groups who play a vital role in ensuring the youngest members of our nation get the best possible early education and intervention. We have come a long way in the past few years now we just need to be recognised for our achievements." Sinead- Donegal ‘I joined because I wanted to be part of a Professional body which recognises & values the skill set I possess’ Lyn- Dublin |
"I feel that by coming together to raise the profile of Early Childcare and Education Professionals we are also ensuring that the children whom we educate and care for will get the best quality start in life. We have a voice, they do not! When we speak up for ourselves and demand the respect we deserve we also speak for the future of every little child in our society." Pamela- Dublin
"I joined because I want to help support and build a stronger childcare sector" Mick- Kilkenny "I am a year 2 Early Childhood Studies student at Waterford Institute of Technology, as I began my degree I found a huge amount of people negatively questioning my career path making the point that it is not a financially stable job. I am very persistent with my education and will always stick by my decision. I love my degree, I love the career path and I love what is to become of Early Years Education and Care. This association is not only essential for practitioners, it is essential for future practitioners to continue the hard work and effort of local and national childcare authorities." Zoe - Waterford |